
  • Oleksandr Kucheriavyi
  • Olena Yarmoliuk



Ключові слова:

Olympic education, e-learning, SWOT-analysis


Introduction. New approaches to the implementation of e-learning technologies in the Olympic education for professional training of physical education specialists have led to the building an informational-educative environment for e-learning of the Center for Olympic Research and Education.

Aim is to substantiate the effectiveness of the model of informational-educative environment of e-learning of the International centre for Olympic studies and education of National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, based on SWOT-analysis.

Material and methods: sociological methods (expert survey), SWOT-analysis and mathematical statistics. As a result of the expert survey (n  =  17) the influence of SWOT-analysis factors on the informational-educative environment was substantiated, which allowed to determine the expediency and effectiveness of the e-learning in the Olympic education and its implementation in the International Center for Olympic Research and Education.

Results. The study is based on a list of criteria adapted to the conditions of the educational process in physical education. According to the criteria selected by the experts, 29 factors identified as the strengths and weaknesses of the informational-educative environment of e-learning of the Center for Olympic Studies and Education, and 22 factors identified as the opportunities and threats of e-learning technologies in the Olympic education system.

Conclusions. The use of sociological methods allowed to establish the existing ways of implementing e-learning technologies in the Olympic education system in Ukraine and the impact of SWOT-analysis factors on the informational-educative environment of e-learning at the International Center for Olympic Research and Education of National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport.


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Як цитувати

Kucheriavyi, O., & Yarmoliuk, O. (2022). SWOT-ANALYSIS OF THE INFORMATIONAL-EDUCATIVE ENVIRONMENT IN THE OLYMPIC EDUCATION SYSTEM. Спортивна наука та здоров’я людини, (1(3). https://doi.org/10.28925/2664-2069.2020.1.4


