DOI:Ключові слова:
health, assessment, student-athletes with physical disabilitiesАнотація
Introduction. It is known that the express method of quantitative assessment of the level of somatic health by bioenergy reserves (by G. Apanasenko) cannot be used when testing persons with musculoskeletal disorders. It is also known that this method cannot be used to assess the health of athletes. However, the problem of quantifying the somatic health of athletes with disabilities remains little studied.
Aim is to identify and scientifically substantiate the feasibility / inexpediency of using the express method in assessing the level of physical health of athletes with physical disabilities.
Material and methods: 1) theoretical (analysis of the scientific literature on the problems of health diagnostics), 2) empirical (pedagogical questionnaire, observation, pedagogical experiment), 3) analytical (statistical methods).
Results. Studies have established the fact of the specificity of the impact of training loads of different orientations on the indicators of rapid assessment of somatic health of athletes with physical disabilities.
Conclusions. It has identified that the main factor that makes it impossible to use the express method in assessing the level of physical health of athletes with special needs is the phenomenon of "loss" of functional abilities in the process of sports.Посилання
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