DOI:Ключові слова:
skilled athletes, heart rate variability, physical loads, cardiorespiratory systemАнотація
Introduction. To assess the characteristics of the body’s adaptation of skilled athletes to strenuous exercise, it is most important to define how the manifestation of physical performance of athletes depend on the autonomic regulation of physiological functions of the body.
Aim is to study the dependence of the autonomic regulation of heart rate on the manifestation of physical performance of qualified athletes and the reaction of the cardiorespiratory system under conditions of physical activity of different nature.
Materials and methods. Determination of physical performance of qualified athletes and the reaction of the cardiorespiratory system (CRS) to test physical activity (ergospirometric complex "Oxycon Pro", treadmill LE-200 C), mathematical analysis of heart rhythm variability, mathematical and statistical methods.
Results. The predominance in the regulation of heart rate activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system helps athletes achieve a higher level of physical performance both in terms of physical activity with a predominance of aerobic processes in energy supply and in terms of maximum realization of aerobic capacity. Increased activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is combined with a reduced level of VE, which indicates the efficiency of the reaction of cattle under physical conditions, mainly aerobic (low and medium power). With increasing intensity of physical activity (starting from the threshold of aerobic metabolism), the increased level of activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system will increase the level of pulmonary ventilation, which characterizes the most effective response of CRS
Conclusions. The higher level of activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic emergency in the regulation of heart rate contributed to the formation of a more economical pattern of respiratory response due to higher VT and lower fT, which under intense physical work allowed to achieve higher levels of VErate regulation, there was a decrease in the efficiency of the respiratory response. Thus, the required operating level VE was formed due to the smaller value of VT at a high level f T and aerobic potential of the athlete. With increasing activity of the sympathetic channel of heart.Посилання
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