DOI:Ключові слова:
communicative competence, psychological structure of communicative competence, components of communicative competenceАнотація
Introduction. Developed communicative competence in the coaching profession allows to interact effectively in future professional activities, interpersonal communication and involves the subject’s mastery of strategies of psychological influence and constructive behaviors in interaction.
Aim is to analyze different approaches to determining the structural components of communicative competence and to describe the author’s structure of communicative competence of the future coach.
Material and methods. Theoretical - analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization. Empirical- observations, questionnaires, psychological and pedagogical experiment.
Results. Applying a systematic approach to the analysis of the structure of communicative competence, we identified four main components: cognitive (cognitive), communicative-speech, social-perceptual and interactive.
Conclusions. The proposed and described author’s structure of communicative competence of the future coach contains four components: cognitive, communicative-speech, social-perceptual, interactive, which give the opportunity to reveal the essence and features of the future coach.
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